A Public Adjuster in South Florida
Public adjusters are independent experts who help victims of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, or earthquakes. They verify that victims have proper insurance coverage in order to file claims with their companies and determine what portion of the claim is covered by their policy. The company will then cover the rest, up to 100 percent of its insurance coverage.
A public adjuster negotiates settlements between the victim and the insured party on behalf of the victim. They are often hired by home owners for handling claims that result from damage caused by natural disasters to their property.
If there is a disagreement between the home owner and the insurer, the policyholder can go to court. Since public adjusters work for a percentage of what they payout, they try to settle everything before it gets to court. If settlement attempts fail, then both parties proceed to court.

A Public Adjuster in South Florida Benefits Consumers in These Ways:
A public adjuster does not charge a fee if they do not recover any money for you—they only receive a payment if the claim is successful.
These professionals are effective at helping consumers minimize their losses, but know that when you begin making claims, a public adjuster will not take any additional cases from you-only new claims can be handled by them.
Our public adjusters in South Florida are here to help you after a disaster strikes and you don’t know where to turn. We will work on your behalf to secure the maximum recovery within the scope of your coverage from any insurance companies that may be involved. We are an independent third party that will fight for you, not the insurance companies. We can help you recover the most money possible in the least amount of time.
You can be assured that you will be treated with respect and that all your questions will be answered promptly. This is your claim, and we are here to help you navigate through the process. We know what needs to get done for maximum results. We are experts at getting insurance adjusters and attorneys to work for you!
When people think of an insurance claim, they think about law firms or public adjusters that advertise on late-night television. These professionals often charge high fees while providing very little service in return—they simply want to make a profit from someone else’s misfortune.
Our staff has many years’ worth of experience in the industry of puublic adjusting in Miami. We know the inner workings of insurance companies and how they handle claims related to home damage and more.